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STW staff "fun day" photos....

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STW staff "fun day" photos.... Empty STW staff "fun day" photos....

Post  craig@STW Sat 16 Apr 2011, 9:35 am

just a few pics from yesterdays "team building" fun day out.

the day went very well and everyone had a really great time. im sure we would all like to thank Steve and Dean for a very special day.

clay pigeon shooting in the morning saw dean win (23 hits i think) with me and Ian joint second (22 hits). a very suspicious win from someone with a broken thumb Rolling Eyes

the quad bikes were a sort of off road procession behind a guide, great fun and left us keen for more speed on the carts in the afternoon.

carting in the afternoon on a large fast professional track with carts capable of 65-70mph. amazing fun but surprisingly very physical. im sure im not the only one suffering today Neutral

after a 30 minute race the winner was the person who had completed the most laps...

1. Dean
2. Ian
3. Craig
4. Mark
5. Steve
6. Lee
7. Mike

another suspicious win from the heaviest guy on the track Rolling Eyes Laughing

mark did very well after having to swap carts due to a mechanical problem and managed to claim the fastest lap of 49.606 seconds on his very last lap

Old lee and Isabel decided to sit out on this event under the opinion that the carts were too fast Cool

i've only got photos of the shooting at the moment but more will follow...


STW staff "fun day" photos.... Stw004-1


STW staff "fun day" photos.... Stw005

STW staff "fun day" photos.... Stw007-1


STW staff "fun day" photos.... Stw010

STW staff "fun day" photos.... Stw011


STW staff "fun day" photos.... Stw012

STW staff "fun day" photos.... Stw013


STW staff "fun day" photos.... Stw014


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Registration date : 2010-05-06

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STW staff "fun day" photos.... Empty Wonderful

Post  lynnr Sat 16 Apr 2011, 11:48 am

Cool. Glad you all enjoyed.

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STW staff "fun day" photos.... Empty Fun day

Post  Tony King Sat 16 Apr 2011, 1:21 pm

Isabel definately looks at home with a shot gun, better watch out!!

Tony King

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STW staff "fun day" photos.... Empty Re: STW staff "fun day" photos....

Post  Graeme81 Sat 16 Apr 2011, 9:57 pm

looks like dean kicked ass!!! affraid

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STW staff "fun day" photos.... Empty Re: STW staff "fun day" photos....

Post  hughb Mon 18 Apr 2011, 4:45 pm


Well done good to see Laughing Cool Cool Cool

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STW staff "fun day" photos.... Empty Re: STW staff "fun day" photos....

Post  craig@STW Tue 19 Apr 2011, 11:16 pm

managed to put together a video of the carting. i did upload it to you tube but they disabled the audio, idiots.

anyway, this is the face book link...!/video/video.php?v=1838498534024

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STW staff "fun day" photos.... Empty Re: STW staff "fun day" photos....

Post  craig@STW Wed 20 Apr 2011, 9:56 am

you tube link with no sound...


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