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Bad engine rings

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Bad engine rings Empty Bad engine rings

Post  jjtjr Fri 21 Jan 2022, 10:28 pm

After driving the car for sometime  with the 1901 Mason engine, the engine rings  got worn out, keep in mine it was the original rings. Well i guess after 120 years what can I except. the way it showed  itself was the engine would only turn about 1/4 revolution and then try to run the reverse direction. It took a little brain storming to diagnose the problem. At first i though i was the d valve but after removing the chest cover and looking at the adjustment of the valves it was not the problem. The next step was to remove the upper cylinder heads both sides and using compressed air on the lower piston an putting some water on the top piston. It became clear the rings were bad. The water started to bubble, the air was leaking past the rings.i make a video of this event. Now how to get rings for a 1901 engine. The rings for this engine are  different then what i've seen in the past. Yes there are two rings per cylinder, but the outer rings have inner rings. So its a ring within a ring. After close inspection of the ring set it was discovered only the outer rings were worn, and the inner rings was still good. This made making rings a little easier. Here is the challenging part. The outer ring has a step gap and the inner ring is butt gapped. After posting on the stanley group about the gapping, i've come to the conclusion that butt gap would be fine as per the feedback. I measured the old rings. The inner ring had a wall thickness of .120" and from what i'm thinking the outer ring should have been the same wall thickness, but it was .080" looks worn to me. Started making them over the last few days. Had some cast iron stock from rings I've made before. Chucked it up in the lathe and turned the o.d. first. Then plunged into the stock with a parting  tool to make each ring but only plunged  deep enough for the thickness of the wall which was .120" plus a little more. Then used a cutoff tool coming in from the tail stock  so each ring would come off the work. The next step will be making the gap and heat treating to create ring tension.

Bad engine rings Aebf3b10

Number of posts : 232
Age : 76
Location : New Jersey,usa
Registration date : 2009-07-28

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