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Compression vs flair fittings

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Compression vs flair fittings Empty Compression vs flair fittings

Post  jjtjr Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:22 am

One other item worth talking about is the car comes with compression fittings what i found is they will leak after a while. This is what happens you tighten them the car flex's the copper works then they start to leak again so you tighten again, then the back of the compression nut starts to distorts then you can't tighten them because the nut is no good any more. The best fix is replace all compression fittings with flair type since I've done it no more leaks. Flair type fittings are used in high vibration areas like brake lines, you can also double flair.

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Compression vs flair fittings Empty Re: Compression vs flair fittings

Post  Will@STW Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:04 am

jjtjr wrote:One other item worth talking about is the car comes with compression fittings what i found is they will leak after a while. This is what happens you tighten them the car flex's  the copper works then they start to leak again so you tighten again, then the back of the compression nut starts to distorts then you can't tighten them because the nut is no good any more.  The best fix is replace all compression fittings with flair type since I've done it no more leaks.   Flair type fittings are used in high vibration areas like brake lines,  you can also double flair.

Hi jjtjr

Way ahead of you. This is indeed what we have done with the new design, there are now no compression fittings on the car, they have all been switched to flare fittings

Many thanks


Number of posts : 196
Age : 27
Location : Daventry
Registration date : 2019-01-29

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