Steam Traction World
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Announcement.....update for customers old and new

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Announcement.....update for customers old and new Empty Announcement.....update for customers old and new

Post  Steam Traction World Thu 31 Oct 2019, 9:52 pm

Sorry for the shouting…

Friday 1st November Steam Traction World are having a day off. Please note phones, emails and social media will not be monitored, or answered.
Friday is the first anniversary of Steve passing and we thought we’d mark the sad occasion by offering all staff, at the works, the day off - so they can spend a moment thinking about Steve, time with their family or however they see fit. Apologies to anyone who needs assistance on Friday, we hope it can wait and it will be business as usual on Monday.

Talking of business, it has been an eventful and difficult year, very much up and down, emotionally.
There have been several highs, with a great orders over the year and a very successful Dorset but the lack of Steve - and even his foibles - his disappearing to roll a fag, for instance, have really been missed, by all of us.

It is well known - and often asked about - the business has been for sale for a while with a number of potential buyers coming forward. When the original decision was made, Steve was looking ahead to his retirement, Dean didn't really see himself running the business without his right hand man, so looking for someone new to offer a fresh approach to the business seemed the logical step forward.

Thanks to a number of factors; essentially good trading figures, positivity from the existing staff and the new staff that have settled in so well and ultimately huge support from you, our customer base, we are really pleased to announce the business is no longer for sale. From today, it has been removed from the market. This is great news. The pre-sale work required for the business, for each potential purchaser, has taken such a lot of time and effort, time that could (and will now) be spent far more productively.

This includes:
New Products
We are now well into the development of two exciting, brand new products - a 3” scale Foden and a show-stopping 6” Burrell.
Development is so advanced an early-bird exclusive offer for the 6” will be opened shortly, stay tuned - or contact us ASAP for info.

New Plant
Following the new CNC machine earlier in the year and the extra capability and quality the new machine offers we are now actively looking to upgrade and invest into further machinery. STOP PRESS: Order signed today for a brand new, larger capacity, CNC Vertical Machining Centre that is being delivered on Wednesday!! - this will be ideal for the larger six inch Burrell parts!!

New Systems
Better internal systems introduced have helped cashflow enabling materials to be ordered sooner and parts fulfilled. A stock system has recently been introduced and we have spent the last 3 months inputting all our stock. This has already made a huge difference.

Greater Output
Faster turnarounds of kits and a better standard before they leave - on time.

Actually, so it does look like something we should be SHOUTING ABOUT. Let’s see the greatest engines with the greatest collection of enthusiasts continue.

Thank you

Steam Traction World

Number of posts : 946
Location : Daventry UK
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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