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BEUGLER pinstripe system

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BEUGLER pinstripe system Empty BEUGLER pinstripe system

Post  Robfishman Fri 03 Jun 2011, 12:04 am

Hi everyone I am someway behind most of you in my build, having only just started in the last few months. In my case I am building a showmans engine, something I have wanted to do since being dragged round the rally fields as a kid.

I am relatively new to this and although I have already picked up a lot from reading all you advise and experiences in the forum I am wondering if anyone has any advise on the best way to do the pinstripe work. I have been looking at the BEUGLER pinstripe system, and although the video's on the net make it look good I see some of you have offered them for sale and I wonder if they actually are as good as they make out.

Any advise would be appreciated and I look forward to meeting some of you at the open day in a couple of weeks. farao

Number of posts : 1061
Age : 50
Location : Chandlers Ford Hants 4" showmans & 4" Roller
Registration date : 2010-11-26

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BEUGLER pinstripe system Empty Re: BEUGLER pinstripe system

Post  sonick45 Fri 03 Jun 2011, 12:46 am

Hi Rob,

I was wondering who bought that nice trailer.. now i know.

I started with the Beuglar but quickly gave up as I discovered lining tapes and adhesive masking film.

As much as I like the free hand work of the lining pens I couldn't get the crisp straight lines and consistent curves that I wanted.

I wanted a way of getting good professional results quickly and easily without having to master the tool first.
I am sure there are others on here who will tell you differently and that it what makes web forums great for as you hear lots of different ways of completing the same task.

For me the lining tapes were so easy to use and the lines were crisp and straight every time.
when it came to corners the compass and masking film made all the fish tails consistent. You cut the film with a double bladed compass giving perfect spaced curves every time.

I would practice first on a bit of scrap and if you don't get on with the pen system try another technique.

hope this has helped.



Number of posts : 511
Location : Barton-Le-Clay (Beds)
Registration date : 2009-01-26

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BEUGLER pinstripe system Empty Beugler or tape

Post  lynnr Fri 03 Jun 2011, 8:33 am


I use both. I use tape for large widths and the Beugler to "highlight" or thin line. Also used it to paint the top of the lettering on the hubs etc. Sooo easy to do. On the wheels I used it to do the Yellow bar by doing 2 lines one from each side of the spoke. This got the line dead centre. Used masking tape as a start and end pad. Then the red lining on the spokes, hub and rim.

It does not take long to get use to using it. couple of A4 photo print paper is a good surface to practice on. I also use a magnetic bendy rule with the beugler, you can get a similar accessory from their site, for lines away from a convenient edge.

With the Beugler you do need top notch paint and I use the 1shot system imported from USA via pinstrippinguk with their reducer to thin and quicken drying time. I also use a turkey baster to fill the Beugler. Lot less mess.

Number of posts : 3242
Age : 56
Location : Highland, 4inch showman
Registration date : 2010-08-06

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BEUGLER pinstripe system Empty Re: BEUGLER pinstripe system

Post  Robfishman Fri 03 Jun 2011, 8:51 pm

Thanks Nick, and yes it was me who brought Martin's trailer. Has some fun getting it though as I am right on the south coast and, well you probably know where the trailer was. Via Shiply I found a courier in Edinburgh who travels to the south coast every week, so I used them to bring it down for me.

Lynn thanks also for your pointers, it looks like a mixture of both may be the way forward then and I like the idea of the turkey baster, very clever idea.

Number of posts : 1061
Age : 50
Location : Chandlers Ford Hants 4" showmans & 4" Roller
Registration date : 2010-11-26

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BEUGLER pinstripe system Empty Re: BEUGLER pinstripe system

Post  highpressure Sat 04 Jun 2011, 5:32 pm

Hi Rob,

Where in Hants are you? I'm in Bognor and can show you how I lined my stuff at some point or we may catch up at a do somewhere. I'm in Moors Valley next Saturday.

Cheers Kev.

Number of posts : 1096
Age : 57
Location : West Sussex, 4" DCC Road Loco
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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BEUGLER pinstripe system Empty Re: BEUGLER pinstripe system

Post  Robfishman Sat 04 Jun 2011, 9:24 pm

Hi Kev

Thank you for the offer, would be good to catch up at some point. I'm not far from you in chandlers ford. Hoping to get to the steam Gala on Sunday as I'm going to STW open day on the Saturday. Also at Beaulieu tomorrow so will be a busy few weekends coming up.

Hope to catch up soon



Number of posts : 1061
Age : 50
Location : Chandlers Ford Hants 4" showmans & 4" Roller
Registration date : 2010-11-26

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BEUGLER pinstripe system Empty Re: BEUGLER pinstripe system

Post  Graeme81 Sat 04 Jun 2011, 9:51 pm

highpressure wrote:Hi Rob,

Where in Hants are you? I'm in Bognor and can show you how I lined my stuff at some point or we may catch up at a do somewhere. I'm in Moors Valley next Saturday.

Cheers Kev.

Be sure to post a youtube clip if this goes ahead as it will help out those of us (prob just me!) who have not yet started to paint - although I do have another 6 months to ponder over the best method available to me!

Number of posts : 178
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2009-05-25

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