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4 1/2inch plastow burrell

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4 1/2inch plastow burrell Empty 4 1/2inch plastow burrell

Post  Graeme81 Sat 19 Feb 2011, 2:56 pm

Hey Guys / Gals,
correct me if im wrong but why do steamtractionworld have a picture of a 4 1/2 inch scale plastow burrell 'catherine' on the homepage slideshow?
Maybe im wrong but itsure does look like one Question scratch
been wondering for a while and just said id put it out there!

Number of posts : 178
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2009-05-25

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4 1/2inch plastow burrell Empty Re: 4 1/2inch plastow burrell

Post  hughb Sun 20 Feb 2011, 9:24 pm

Sorry do not know but it dose look good

Number of posts : 575
Age : 54
Location : hertfordshire
Registration date : 2009-03-13

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