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whats a bloody bot ???

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty whats a bloody bot ???

Post  craig@STW Sat 22 May 2010, 8:13 pm

looking at the forum just now, we have three registered users on line, 1 guest and one bot.

what a bloody bot ???? affraid affraid

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  highpressure Sun 23 May 2010, 7:31 am

Dont know but the other day there was one registered user and THREE bots..... 2 google and 1 bing???

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  craig@STW Sun 23 May 2010, 9:12 am

mmm, sounds dodgy Crying or Very sad

it always amazes me that when im on photo-bucket or similar sites, they have adverts for the exact same products that i've been searching for on the halfords site, despite having my history set to clear every time i close Internet explorer. i guess this is connected to these bots ???

also got my first wireless router thing for the house recently and when linking up the daughters laptop in came up with a long list of all the local signals it could find... bens PC?, mandy PC?? someones BT home hub??, all the people in my street i guess. i know you need a password to link to these but i also know there are loads of password bypassing programs out there as well. Shocked

also just found out that the kits Nintendo DS things can talk to each other wirelessly as well, some thing called pictochat. if this has a reasonable range then we could effectively talk to any DS in the street !!!

gonna see if i can link the Wii up later

funny things computers

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  greystones Sun 23 May 2010, 10:42 am


Suggest you stick to STEAM its safer It can only blow up Mike

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  craig@STW Sun 23 May 2010, 11:35 am

mmm, not sure if having your face blown off is that much better than identity theft ????!!!!! Shocked

Laughing Laughing Laughing

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot?

Post  thehawk Sun 23 May 2010, 1:21 pm

If you look just below the user info, it shows the names of registered guests and then "the BOT" has Google as its user. So presumably Google, in their world wide grasp for personal and user data, have one of their tentacles in the STW site. I think a bit of steam at 120psi up their BOT might be the answer! cyclops !

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  LilyJack Sun 23 May 2010, 7:45 pm

I think a Bot is an automated site monitoring system, things such as Chat Rooms have them which monitor language etc and perform necassary (spell check that) actions according to conduct. I'd imagine that even this as a forum is a monitored system and key words are logged so no talking about Iraq, Iran and Bombs etc or it will flag up to big brother.
Hullo to all by the way.. Hope you's all enjoyin the sunshine Very Happy


LilyJack Cool

ps : The largest use of bots is in web spidering, in which an automated script fetches, analyzes and files information from web servers at many times the speed of a human.


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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  hughb Sun 23 May 2010, 8:45 pm

HI all
Just fouds this well is that what it is ,Thay have been on here from the start .
I thort it was just the moniters Exclamation Exclamation

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  chrisnchrisroberts Sun 23 May 2010, 10:22 pm

I thought BOT was Beer on Tap.


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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  hughb Mon 24 May 2010, 7:34 pm

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Laughing Laughing Cool drunken drunken affraid

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Re: whats a bloody bot ???

Post  Vapor Wed 21 Jul 2010, 3:40 pm

Someone's been looking up Bot's on "Wicki"

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Bots

Post  lynnr Tue 31 Aug 2010, 8:22 am


The bot is google or bing or any other search website doing an automatic index of all the content on the site for search purposes. You can get a bot.txt text file placed on the website instance that directs how the automatic indexers behave on the site even stop it happening if you wanted.

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whats a bloody bot ??? Empty Bots! WHAT!!!

Post  Tony King Tue 31 Aug 2010, 10:14 am

I haven't got a clue what all this "bot stuff" is about, I guess it's important to someone, but it doesn't do it for me!!
I do, however, appreciate how important computers are & what a powerful tool this technology is in the right hands!!
Paradoxically, we are building traction engines & steam vehicles etc from 100 plus years ago, using the latest state of the are CAD design, CNC machines & laser cutting technology......................... Takes a bit of thinking about to fully get your head round it all!!
Tony King (IT ignorant!!)

Tony King

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