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STW Christmas Card

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STW Christmas Card Empty STW Christmas Card

Post  sonick45 Fri 01 Jan 2010, 10:24 am

Did anyone else have to pay to receive a christmas card from STW ??

Yesterday (New Years Eve) my jolly postman delivered my post and told my wife I had a plain envelope addressed to me that had no stamp affixed to it..!

She went down to the post office curious to know what I had been sent.

it cost her £1.30 to be given the card as there was a penaulty to be paid by the reciever due to the fact no postage had been paid....

It made me chuckle when i got in later in the day as when i opened it it was a nice card from STW.
My wife however was less impressed as it cost her £1.30

Thanks for the card but less thanks for the ear ache i got yesterday evening... Smile



Number of posts : 511
Location : Barton-Le-Clay (Beds)
Registration date : 2009-01-26

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STW Christmas Card Empty Re: STW Christmas Card

Post  Vapor Fri 01 Jan 2010, 11:33 am


Ring any bells??

Ian Laughing

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STW Christmas Card Empty Re: STW Christmas Card

Post  tef 20 Fri 01 Jan 2010, 11:59 am

I got a nice card to thanks to all at STW Very Happy the only differance is mine had a stamp on it so cost me nothing Laughing lol!

Happy new year to you all
tef 20
tef 20

Number of posts : 161
Location : Livingston 4 " Burrell
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STW Christmas Card Empty Re: STW Christmas Card

Post  Steam Traction World Fri 01 Jan 2010, 9:19 pm

Hi Nick,

Sorry about the stamp on the card. We did put a stamp on every envelope but somehow yours must have got through. I think the same happened to Ian (Vapour) last year.

Send our apologies to your other half for the outlay. Soften her up by telling her that you now own a limited edition card and are one of only two hundred people to get one, so one day it'll be worth more than the postage charge. (I'm sure my signature adds something to the value! lol). If that fails let us know and we'll deduct it of your next kit.

Happy New Year.


Steam Traction World

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STW Christmas Card Empty Re: STW Christmas Card

Post  sonick45 Sat 02 Jan 2010, 3:34 pm

It was no real issue so don't worry about it..

I plan to put the rubber on the fronts next week and when she sees what with (ISOFLEX) she'll start to wish she hadn't offered to help...
Rolling Eyes

Hope you all had a good new year and christmas break..

Saw Ex mayor out and about the other day...
Dean, looking forward to seeing the photos of President when you finally get back up there.. bounce

all the best



Number of posts : 511
Location : Barton-Le-Clay (Beds)
Registration date : 2009-01-26

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STW Christmas Card Empty Re: STW Christmas Card

Post  hughb Sat 02 Jan 2010, 5:27 pm

Humm that has happend to me BUT not from STW .Now that is why I put selotape onto the stamp .
As the glue that you do not lick will come off just you try it ...

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