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Series 2 Lyka. SORRY NOW SOLD (within 2 days of listing)

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Series 2 Lyka. SORRY NOW SOLD (within 2 days of listing) Empty Series 2 Lyka. SORRY NOW SOLD (within 2 days of listing)

Post  Admin Wed 17 Mar 2021, 9:49 am

Morning all,

We have a complete set of kits for a Lyka Series 2. Only one batch of 35 (worldwide) have been completed so far and this is the first i am aware of coming up for sale.

Unfortunately do to a change in the customers family commitments he is unable to complete the build.

Currently it is at the rolling chassis stage with the chassis painted in Craftmaster engine black. The Brake system has been fitted with the engine assembled and sat in place. The boiler is positioned nicely in place with no pipework fitted currently. All the seat frame has been built up and is completed but upholstery has not fitted. Everything else is still boxed.

Complete sets of kits on these rarely if ever come up. STW do NOT manufacture enough to be able to supply these on anything other than the monthly basis.

Available immediately with a substantial saving on the standard list price for a quick sale, i don't expect this to hang around long.

For further information please call Dean on 01327 301030 (ext 1) or email

Series 2 Lyka. SORRY NOW SOLD (within 2 days of listing) Front_11

Series 2 Lyka. SORRY NOW SOLD (within 2 days of listing) Rear_a10

Series 2 Lyka. SORRY NOW SOLD (within 2 days of listing) Burner10

Number of posts : 106
Registration date : 2008-06-13

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