Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
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Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
Just putting this here.
CROMAPOL is a roof sealant that is resin based and contains fibers. it's the best sealant to use on your tanks. isoflex / por15 are inferior and will fail over time..
I've used this on my current engine after failure of isoflex. I had not problems for 8 years! no rust
It's available from Ebay for around £25 pounds for 5GK and smaller tins.. if you use white then you can see how many coats you will need.
I hope this helps..
CROMAPOL is a roof sealant that is resin based and contains fibers. it's the best sealant to use on your tanks. isoflex / por15 are inferior and will fail over time..
I've used this on my current engine after failure of isoflex. I had not problems for 8 years! no rust
It's available from Ebay for around £25 pounds for 5GK and smaller tins.. if you use white then you can see how many coats you will need.
I hope this helps..
BurrellSimplicity- Number of posts : 74
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2019-04-29
Re: Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
OK - I am taking your word .. and I have ordered some.... it certainly looks to have a good specification... thanks for the tip.
milford59- Number of posts : 307
Location : Milford on Sea
Registration date : 2019-05-19
Re: Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
I have purchased some from ebay. Is it okay to use on the primer or is it only for bare metal?
Cheers Nigel
Cheers Nigel
Nigncoz- Number of posts : 90
Location : Stoke-on-Trent
Registration date : 2020-03-24
Re: Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
I don’t know the answer to that - sorry - I haven’t primed inside my tender so I will be adding it onto bare metal..... maybe BurrellSimplicity will be along soon with further info....
milford59- Number of posts : 307
Location : Milford on Sea
Registration date : 2019-05-19
Re: Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
Hi i'm sorry for the late reply i haven't been on here that much recently.
yes apply to bare metal only as it sticks like you know what to a blanket and if your putting it over primer then you only have the adhesion of the primer to stick it.
it's great stuff, you have to keep coating it and it does stink and takes a while to dry fully but you will get a great results from it for your water tanks. i hope this helps and sorry for the late reply!
the ones that have bought it and tried it how did you get on with it?
yes apply to bare metal only as it sticks like you know what to a blanket and if your putting it over primer then you only have the adhesion of the primer to stick it.
it's great stuff, you have to keep coating it and it does stink and takes a while to dry fully but you will get a great results from it for your water tanks. i hope this helps and sorry for the late reply!
the ones that have bought it and tried it how did you get on with it?
BurrellSimplicity- Number of posts : 74
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2019-04-29
Re: Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
I think it’s great... it’s quite thick - about the consistency of whipped cream - and with all the fibres that are in it, I think it will fill the gaps and seams very well.
milford59- Number of posts : 307
Location : Milford on Sea
Registration date : 2019-05-19
Re: Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
Hi All I am at a stage ready for sealing my tender, I am proposing to use isoflex after reading the post. I have sealed the joints with J.B.gasket seal when I built the tender will this cause any problems with the isoflex ?
Geoff- Number of posts : 27
Location : Rochdale
Registration date : 2023-09-11
Re: Click here for the **Best** Sealant for tanks and belly tanks
sorry not isoflex ,cromapol as recomended in the post
Geoff- Number of posts : 27
Location : Rochdale
Registration date : 2023-09-11
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