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First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold)

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First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold) Empty First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold)

Post  Admin Wed 12 Dec 2018, 3:29 pm

4 kits, Deposit and vulcanised tyres for 4"DCC, a slightly cheaper way to start the build.

These kits are for a 4" DCC Road Loco. You could potentially change to the showmans at this early stage.
Loss of workshop and with no space at home has forced sale. This is a bonus for someone who is wanting to start a 4" DCC build.
4 kits in total, Tender kit built but the other 3 kits are unused.
Kit deposit and the vulcanised tyre upgrade already paid.
£2000 for the vulcanised tyres and 3 unused kits. Almost a £1000 saving there already! Then offers on the £2674 deposit and the tender kit. You could potentially have a pretty cheap start to the build.

1928 Ruston and Hornsby APR 2 1/2HP stationary engine. Loads of paperwork, early restoration complete with generator, genuine starting handle and leather belt on a steerable trolley. Owned for over 10 years. runs amazingly and always covered and dry stored. Loss of workshop/storage forces sale. £1100.

Email Ben using for further information.

First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold) Ben_sh10

First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold) Ben_sh11

First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold) Ben_st10

First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold) Ben_st11

Last edited by Admin on Wed 14 Oct 2020, 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 106
Registration date : 2008-06-13

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First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold) Empty Re: First few kits of a DCC Showman's or Road Loco. Also a Stationary Engine for sale. (Sorry sold)

Post  Admin Mon 17 Dec 2018, 9:44 am

Just for clarification. This is an advert the customer wrote.

Upon checking vulcanised tyres has not been paid for and will be an additional cost from STW!

Basically what is for sale here is 4 kits. Kits 3, 7, 8 and 9.


Number of posts : 106
Registration date : 2008-06-13

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