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belly tank & steering

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belly tank & steering Empty belly tank & steering

Post  lintonsteam Tue 16 Aug 2016, 9:04 am

hi have been putting belly tank on the brackets that connect in and the horn plates are not lining up plus steering shaft is locked solid any ideas how to free of


Number of posts : 31
Age : 74
Location : ne61 5sl
Registration date : 2013-10-07

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belly tank & steering Empty Re: belly tank & steering

Post  Simon B Tue 16 Aug 2016, 5:31 pm

Hi Lintonsteam

I had the same issue when fitting my belly tank to the hornplates, the brackets on the tank are mean't to go outside the ones on the hornplates, but mine clashed by a few millimetres and as I'd already painted and isoflexed the inside of the tank there was no way to adjust the belly tank brackets. In the end I loosened the front four bolts on the hornplates and levered the hornplates apart hence my belly tank brackets are now on the inside with the bolts fitted into the tapped hornplates and into the belly tank brackets. Once the hornplates were retightened the belly tank ain't going anywhere.

My steering was also tight, with the bushes fitted and the bolts tightened up the steering really bound up, when I loosened one side there was no effect, but whenI loosened the bolts on the other side the steering loosened up, so just fitted an engineered spacer (washer Smile ) between the bush bracket and the belly tank bracket, now the steering is smooth and even better now I've put some oil on the bushes.

I hope the above helps.


Simon B
Simon B

Number of posts : 161
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Location : Egremont, Cumbria
Registration date : 2014-01-07

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belly tank & steering Empty belly tank

Post  lintonsteam Tue 16 Aug 2016, 7:04 pm

hi thanks simon will look in to that though I was talking to steve at stw and he says he will come over to the model tent at gdsf hoping he will give some ideas wants again thanks much appreciated


Number of posts : 31
Age : 74
Location : ne61 5sl
Registration date : 2013-10-07

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belly tank & steering Empty Re: belly tank & steering

Post  TimV Sat 03 Sep 2016, 8:38 am

Hi Lintonsteam,

Had a look at your engine which was in model tent at GDSF in regard to you saying that bellytank brackets do not line up and noticed that you have the same problem that i had in that you need to take some thickness from the front support bracket so that they do not run down hill, I had to take a fair amount off

Cheers Tim

belly tank & steering 20151210

Doing this should also help with lining up your steering shaft.

Number of posts : 123
Location : Poole , Dorset
Registration date : 2014-10-09

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belly tank & steering Empty belly tank

Post  lintonsteam Sat 03 Sep 2016, 9:31 pm

hi Tim had steve stw have a look at it he said the same thing, if I wanted they would adust bracket for me though I will probablydo iy my self thanks for the in put much appreciated


Number of posts : 31
Age : 74
Location : ne61 5sl
Registration date : 2013-10-07

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belly tank & steering Empty Re: belly tank & steering

Post  Mark the spark Sat 03 Sep 2016, 9:39 pm

when I fitted the chain shaft brackets to my belly tank the shaft would not turn
The brackets were not bent at 90 so I put them in my mill and skimmed the matting faces flat when refitted the shaft turned with no effort at all
hope this helps

Mark the spark

Number of posts : 389
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2015-04-26

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