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Third water feed to boiler?

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Third water feed to boiler? Empty Third water feed to boiler?

Post  T140 Thu 17 Dec 2015, 8:37 pm


Has any body fitted another boiler feed pump in the tender that can be hand pumped, and if so where did you source the pump and how did you fit it please?

I'm thinking in advance at the moment as I'm still building the tender, I was wondering what the outlet pipe size to the injector was also, please?

Thanks again.



Number of posts : 66
Location : Bristol
Registration date : 2014-05-10

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Third water feed to boiler? Empty Hand pump

Post  Steve Traill Fri 18 Dec 2015, 10:51 pm

Fitting a hand pump to a 4" engine, although not a complete waste of time, is pretty close! The number of pumps you would have to do to make any difference I think you would soon look for another hobby. Apart from that it's not needed anyway, the pump supplied is totally reliable and the injectors now are also reliable providing there are no air leaks in the plumbing.

A hand pump on a 4" engine is also something that others will just take the p**s about on the rally field (in a friendly way!)
Steve Traill
Steve Traill

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Third water feed to boiler? Empty Re: Third water feed to boiler?

Post  LiveSteam Sat 19 Dec 2015, 12:55 pm

Must admit I've never experienced an issue where I wished I had a 3rd option, as Steve says injector is reliable enough and puts gob loads in and the crank pump while only putting a small amount in is ample for normal running I've found, some weekends I've never needed the injector and run entirely from the crank pump Cool


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Third water feed to boiler? Empty Re: Third water feed to boiler?

Post  lynnr Sun 20 Dec 2015, 10:54 am

I have ran Crystal 9 miles straight with only the mechanical pump on about 2/3rds. Water level constant mid glass.
Refilled tanks and continued for another 9 miles before stopping at destination. Injector only used to prepare the boiler for a 1:6 downhill run of about 3/4 mile. Even after climbing back up the 1:6 injector just to add a quick squirt to calm the boiler down before she blows off after the climb.

Around rally fields the injector only used to calm things down. Otherwise as mentioned before mechanical pump only.

Then just think how slow the mechanical crank pump is at putting water in the boiler. Now try that by hand! Hummmmmm

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Third water feed to boiler? Empty Re: Third water feed to boiler?

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