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Steve`s Foden C type

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Steve`s Foden C type Empty Steve`s Foden C type

Post  Revolving Thu 11 Oct 2012, 7:23 pm

Time to show some progress on the project. Must say have much enjoyed the building especially the last kit.
Here is the project so far.

[img]Steve`s Foden C type Kit74_zps99cbe643[/img]

Have decided to follow LMS colours ie crimson lake/black. may develop into an LMS parcels lorry.

Also decided to put in grease nipples where possible, and where used on the C Types I have seen. I believe the grease will keep the bearing cleaner in the long run, sorry Steve.

Steve`s Foden C type Kit75_zps3307d2ab

Steve`s Foden C type Kit78_zps601f1056

My son did some artwork on the Foden logo for the wheel caps, a mate of his tried to etch the result with mixed results, due mainly to poor transfer adhesion due to the large heat sink in the brass cap, however managed to clean it up and increase the depth of the etch with careful use of Dremel and very small dentists drill bought at a local Steam Fair.

Steve`s Foden C type Kit76_zps7afe7e60

All good fun so far


Number of posts : 8
Age : 81
Location : Worcestershire
Registration date : 2011-09-10

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Steve`s Foden C type Empty Re: Steve`s Foden C type

Post  Kevster Thu 11 Oct 2012, 7:43 pm

looking very nice indeed

keep up the good work


Number of posts : 424
Location : Hertfordshire 4 inch; DCC road loco
Registration date : 2011-01-27

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Steve`s Foden C type Empty Re: Steve`s Foden C type

Post  Steam Traction World Thu 11 Oct 2012, 9:25 pm

Great job & thanks for posting.

You'll find some information in the kit leaving tomorrow about the option of having the Foden logo cnc machined on to your hubcaps.


Steam Traction World

Number of posts : 946
Location : Daventry UK
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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Steve`s Foden C type Empty Re: Steve`s Foden C type

Post  lynnr Thu 11 Oct 2012, 9:44 pm

Looking good. These engines are going to be stunners.

Number of posts : 3242
Age : 56
Location : Highland, 4inch showman
Registration date : 2010-08-06

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