Steam Traction World
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Apprentice (or two)

Tony King
Steam Traction World
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Apprentice (or two) Empty Apprentice (or two)

Post  Steam Traction World Tue 24 Jan 2012, 3:07 pm

Hi All,

If any one knows any one aged 16-18 who may be interested, STW are considering taking on an apprentice or two (none of us are getting any younger!).

This will include a day release at Northampton College and 4 days at the factory.

The two positions are likely to be:

1. A CNC machinist.....Individual will do an engineering NVQ and while at the factory be taught how to load, set and program using G Codes the CNC machinery. Additional to this there will be the opportunity for them to learn about general engineering practices, learn basic sheet metal work (bending, folding etc) plus occasionally assist in assembling the Control Model so it gives them a better understanding of steam and our products.

2. A 3D SolidWorks CAD designer....Individual will do an NVQ (which one to be confirmed) and while at the factory be taught how use 3D SolidWorks. Initially they will be producing production folders and helping with the more mundane things. Gradually with experience this will lead to producing basic drawings from Solids already produced by our Senior Designer which will lead on to producing basic assemblies and Solids for themselves. As the individual grows and learns more about how a steam engine works and gains an understanding of the mechanical side it would then lead to designing a fairly basic project for themselves for Steve to check. Some hands on work (control models and machines) would be expected initially to gain an understanding of what we do and how things are manufactured.

Both individuals will also probably become very skilled in making tea, cleaning machines out, going for a 'long wait', finding a tin of striped paint, finding a left handed screw driver, a bucket of steam or ordering a replacement bubble for the spirit level!!

Ideally the right person(s) would need to have an interest in steam and based in Northamptonshire or close to the Warwickshire border and be happy to attend Northampton college on day release as this who we would be doing the apprenticeships in conjunction with. This is not set in stone so anyone can apply but you would need to consider how you get to work, journey to college, where you would stay etc etc which makes it more complicated.

Any one interested can email me direct on



Last edited by Steam Traction World on Tue 24 Jan 2012, 4:22 pm; edited 2 times in total

Steam Traction World

Number of posts : 946
Location : Daventry UK
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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Apprentice (or two) Empty Congratulations

Post  lynnr Tue 24 Jan 2012, 3:16 pm

Congratulations on reaching the point of taking on an apprentiship program. It also gives us builders confidence in STW as a thriving ongoing enterprise.

I salute your future.

Number of posts : 3242
Age : 56
Location : Highland, 4inch showman
Registration date : 2010-08-06

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Apprentice (or two) Empty Re: Apprentice (or two)

Post  Tony King Tue 24 Jan 2012, 3:56 pm

I wish I lived nearer, I'd apply!!........... I've got a left handed screw driver & spare bubbles for levels!!

Tony King

Number of posts : 856
Age : 69
Location : scotland
Registration date : 2008-10-31

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Apprentice (or two) Empty Re: Apprentice (or two)

Post  Robfishman Tue 24 Jan 2012, 8:08 pm

I can lend my sky hooks and long weights, and I may have some tartan paint kicking around somewhere lol!

On a serious note well done Dean and the team, it's important we invest in the future, with such a massive skills shortage in the uk such a move is vital. What a great opportunity for someone. I have found June and July is a good time to start looking for such a person, when the kids are thinking about what to do as they leave school, if that's the age range you are looking for.

Number of posts : 1061
Age : 50
Location : Chandlers Ford Hants 4" showmans & 4" Roller
Registration date : 2010-11-26

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Apprentice (or two) Empty Re: Apprentice (or two)

Post  bjwlancashire Tue 24 Jan 2012, 11:00 pm

Good news indeed and good luck finding the right one. Have yo thought of putting an ad on traction Talk too? There are a number of youngsters at the right age on there - steam apprentices, helpers, modelers etc..

It's a pit my nephewy Declan is up here in Lancashire. Since attending your open weekend with us he has now decided he wanted to do engineering. Thanks especially to Craig spending a lot of time explaining the CNC machining process to him and proving you do not need to be a computer whizz for CNC programming, just to know where you want the cutter to go and how fast Very Happy He was trying to get his work experience placing in an engineering firm but no chance - elf and safety/insurance was the normal repsonse.

Number of posts : 938
Location : Mellor, Lancashire
Registration date : 2010-09-07

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Apprentice (or two) Empty Re: Apprentice (or two)

Post  sonick45 Wed 25 Jan 2012, 8:18 pm

nice move lads..

good to see your thinking way ahead and supporting the engineering industry.


Number of posts : 511
Location : Barton-Le-Clay (Beds)
Registration date : 2009-01-26

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Apprentice (or two) Empty Re: Apprentice (or two)

Post  Kevster Wed 25 Jan 2012, 8:44 pm

Its just what this country needs lots more of

Number of posts : 424
Location : Hertfordshire 4 inch; DCC road loco
Registration date : 2011-01-27

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Apprentice (or two) Empty Re: Apprentice (or two)

Post  mikero Wed 25 Jan 2012, 9:49 pm

Great idea, I hope you get a good selection of candidates to pick from. Try and get someone from the college to help you with the interviewing, they deal with this age-group all the time.

Good luck


Number of posts : 261
Location : Brighton
Registration date : 2011-07-19

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