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Raising Steam

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Raising Steam Empty Raising Steam

Post  Robfishman Sat 21 Jan 2012, 12:48 pm

STW also get a mention in the Jan 2012 Steam Apprentice Club magazine Chairmans report, who have also brought a 4" Burrell. The plan is to take it round the country and let the apprentices build the engine. Once complete it will be used to teach others how an engine works.

What a great idea.

Number of posts : 1061
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Location : Chandlers Ford Hants 4" showmans & 4" Roller
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Raising Steam Empty Steam Apprentice engine

Post  Steve Traill Sat 21 Jan 2012, 10:20 pm

I hope they put one person in charge of the build otherwise it could be like the 'house that Jack built' and a bit of a mess. It'll be interesting to follow how it goes though & I expect the STW phone to be busy with them needing parts that have been lost or bust!
Steve Traill
Steve Traill

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Raising Steam Empty Re: Raising Steam

Post  bjwlancashire Tue 24 Jan 2012, 12:47 pm

I was aware of this project last year, we were chatting with some of the SAC comittee about potential projects at the St Albans SAC event Tim organised.

It will be interesting to see how they progress with that as a bench and vice is a minimum for doing this sort of kit. Can't just set up in a field and bolt it together. I beleive some preparation of the kits will be done first to make it more assembly than fitting.

I think they will have to watch out for dropping rear wheels on some of the smaller apprentices too!!! Shocked


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