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Can we get a kit of this made next?!

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Can we get a kit of this made next?! Empty Can we get a kit of this made next?!

Post  Graeme81 Mon 23 May 2011, 11:09 pm

this would be some serious fun and surely an impressive sight on the rally field even in a 6inch scale kit!!
im sure there would be serious money to be made from "consumables" !!!

new model Twisted Evil

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Can we get a kit of this made next?! Empty Re: Can we get a kit of this made next?!

Post  craig@STW Tue 24 May 2011, 9:39 am

when modelworks did the tiger tank we were not allowed to have an open ended muzzle to prevent people turning it into a usable gun, so im not sure we could do something like that !!!! affraid affraid

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Can we get a kit of this made next?! Empty Re: Can we get a kit of this made next?!

Post  MrStationHouse Tue 24 May 2011, 11:22 am

That is a very popular YouTube clip over 300,000 people have watched it today - have a look at some of the other clips on the channel - some people do like their toys!



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Can we get a kit of this made next?! Empty Re: Can we get a kit of this made next?!

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