Feeling shaky need a fix
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Feeling shaky need a fix
Hi All
Not sure what my problem is but I am feeling very shaky at the moment. It is not the D.T.'s as I do not drink alcohol.
AHHH! just realised it could be the lack of paint fumes and lubricants. It is only the start of the month as well
Need to tinker this evening.
Not sure what my problem is but I am feeling very shaky at the moment. It is not the D.T.'s as I do not drink alcohol.
AHHH! just realised it could be the lack of paint fumes and lubricants. It is only the start of the month as well
Need to tinker this evening.
lynnr- Number of posts : 3242
Age : 56
Location : Highland, 4inch showman
Registration date : 2010-08-06
Need a fix
Hi Lynn,
Go start fitting that first piece of cladding, the one that butts up to the front spectical plate. Should keep you quiet for a couple of hours!!
Best wishes
Go start fitting that first piece of cladding, the one that butts up to the front spectical plate. Should keep you quiet for a couple of hours!!
Best wishes
Tony King- Number of posts : 856
Age : 69
Location : scotland
Registration date : 2008-10-31
Re: Feeling shaky need a fix
then you'll learn to drink alchohol - very quickly and lots of it !
Rickster- Number of posts : 267
Location : canterbury, Kent
Registration date : 2010-02-19
Re: Feeling shaky need a fix
Good luck and keep posting
Good luck and keep posting
hughb- Number of posts : 575
Age : 54
Location : hertfordshire
Registration date : 2009-03-13
Really feeling shaky
Almost a blubbering wreck..... wibble wibble.
lynnr- Number of posts : 3242
Age : 56
Location : Highland, 4inch showman
Registration date : 2010-08-06
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