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Why are model showmans engines such a rare site?

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Why are model showmans engines such a rare site? Empty Why are model showmans engines such a rare site?

Post  mindlever Wed 20 Oct 2010, 5:53 pm

I've often wondered why model showmans engines are such a rare site at exhibitiions or steam rallies. Is there some aspect of their care and feeding that makes them unpopular or are they just difficult to drive with a canopy over most of the engine?


Number of posts : 3
Location : dont know
Registration date : 2010-09-19

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Why are model showmans engines such a rare site? Empty showman rallying

Post  lynnr Wed 20 Oct 2010, 8:31 pm


Not sure. Think people are of the opinion that the canopy hides all the workings so may be of less interest to the punters and to some aspect the owner, as he or she would not see the workings while driving.

I am certainly adding to the collection as I am building the showman Very Happy

Number of posts : 3242
Age : 56
Location : Highland, 4inch showman
Registration date : 2010-08-06

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Why are model showmans engines such a rare site? Empty Re: Why are model showmans engines such a rare site?

Post  hughb Thu 28 Oct 2010, 9:03 pm

lynnr wrote:Hi

Not sure. Think people are of the opinion that the canopy hides all the workings so may be of less interest to the punters and to some aspect the owner, as he or she would not see the workings while driving.

Very Happy

HI guys
Yes this is why I do not like them as much .But do take the time to look under neeth at some time
Very Happy

Number of posts : 575
Age : 54
Location : hertfordshire
Registration date : 2009-03-13

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