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Pickering Steam Show

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Pickering Steam Show Empty Pickering Steam Show

Post  atomenter Sun 30 May 2010, 6:24 pm

Hi all
Anybody have any idea if Pickering is on in August this year, their flier on their website doesn't say a lot and I know that there were a lot of problems last year and that a new company has taken over the site. I need to know to try and book some accommodation.


Tom a

Number of posts : 178
Registration date : 2008-06-26

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Pickering Steam Show Empty Re: Pickering Steam Show

Post  ALZ MINI Mon 21 Jun 2010, 9:53 pm

I'm going but not taking the steam engine as this show is better if I take the mini so I can see more of the event after leaving the car on the stand. its on the 5,6,7,8th August

Number of posts : 8
Location : Northumberland
Registration date : 2009-12-02

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Pickering Steam Show Empty Pickering show

Post  lynnr Tue 10 Aug 2010, 1:49 pm

By luck and good fortune I booked my main summer holiday for last week July first week August at Thornton Le Dale. Upon arriving I always trawl through the leaflets and found the Steam Traction Show was on. Wonderful!. Spent a wonderful and dry thursday at the show. Got to drive a full size engine Very Happy

I chanced upon the STW stand and grabbed a leaflet on the passing as needed to head out with parents and my dogs.
In the evening we had retired to the "New Inn" in Thornton for dinner and a real pint and 3 traction engines rolled up outside. Bonus.

Now I get Kit 1 of the 4" Showman arriving tomorrow.

I can recommend the Overbrook caravan site (Adults only) highly indeed. Facilities are modern and CLEAN!!!!, spotless!.

Number of posts : 3242
Age : 56
Location : Highland, 4inch showman
Registration date : 2010-08-06

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