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2" Burrell and 2" Driving Wagon. BRAND NEW.

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2" Burrell and 2" Driving Wagon. BRAND NEW. Empty 2" Burrell and 2" Driving Wagon. BRAND NEW.

Post  Admin Wed 25 Jan 2023, 4:06 pm

Available for sale is a brand new and un-steamed 2" Burrell along with a mating Driving Wagon. Both the engine and wagon have vulcanised rubber tyres.

The last kit was only supplied during the middle of last year with the owner finishing the engine in November 2022 and then bringing it into STW for running on air. Running on air raised no issues other than a few air leaks that needed sealing and everything turned over as it should. Only being sold as health of the owner has taken a down turn.

Current kit cost from STW is £9618 for the engine (inc the vulc cost) and £1645 for the wagon. Total £11,263. This is before the expected increase on Feb 1st.

Sale includes a fan for blowing through the chimney, a large 5 ltr tin of Morris steam oil and a Yuasa 12 volt battery and charger to run the fan. Even comes with some coal in readiness for steaming but owner never got there.

Asking price for both £7750. Can be viewed at the STW factory.

2" Burrell and 2" Driving Wagon. BRAND NEW. Img_0011

2" Burrell and 2" Driving Wagon. BRAND NEW. Img_0010

2" Burrell and 2" Driving Wagon. BRAND NEW. Img_0012

2" Burrell and 2" Driving Wagon. BRAND NEW. Img_0013

Number of posts : 104
Registration date : 2008-06-13

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