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oil burner service

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oil burner service Empty oil burner service

Post  jjtjr Tue 26 Dec 2017, 3:04 pm

Driving the car a few days ago here in florida, This what happened, the boiler could not keep up with steam demand, so the pressure started to drop but the burner kept firing, the pressure kept dropping so I stopped to let it catch up, the pressure slowly came up to about 180 psi started to drive again, but it dropped again and the burner ran continuously and the pressure was not rising smoke was coming out the exhaust, had to tow it home. This is what was found, Remove the filter cup on the fuel tank and cleaned the filter, then went to the burner, removed the inner firing nozzle assy. the assy was covered in carbon, cleaned the electrodes with acetone until they were white again removed the spray nozzle, disassembled it and cleaned the inner filter that screws into it which was dirty assembled everything all worked good again.
My conclusion is,
just like a home heating system which has to be serviced every year before you use it, which includes the above, our cars need the same type of service maybe more so, because most home heating system use a 1 GPH nozzle but our cars use 2 GPH nozzle. There is one other tool that helps which is a plastic spacing tool and goes on the nozzle tip and helps you set the electrodes distance and spacing.🇸🇨USPSFirstClass!08826!US!-1


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Registration date : 2009-07-28

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