Steam Traction World
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4" Agricultural Traction Engine For Sale (Now sold, less than 60 mins to sell)

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4" Agricultural Traction Engine For Sale (Now sold, less than 60 mins to sell) Empty 4" Agricultural Traction Engine For Sale (Now sold, less than 60 mins to sell)

Post  Admin Thu 10 Aug 2017, 9:03 am

For Sale

A well presented 4" agricultural engine. The engine has only been test steamed by the vendor.
However the engine does NOT come with a steam ticket.
As can be seen from the pictures. The engine is clean and tidy with no road marks on the wheels.

Offered for sale at a substantial saving over average selling price.

Please contact Dean at Steam Traction World on  01327 301030 extn 1.

4" Agricultural Traction Engine For Sale (Now sold, less than 60 mins to sell) Image010

4" Agricultural Traction Engine For Sale (Now sold, less than 60 mins to sell) Image011

4" Agricultural Traction Engine For Sale (Now sold, less than 60 mins to sell) Image012

Number of posts : 104
Registration date : 2008-06-13

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