Steam Traction World
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Happy Christmas to you all, and sorry about the Ashes...

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Happy Christmas to you all, and sorry about the Ashes... Empty Happy Christmas to you all, and sorry about the Ashes...

Post  Hamish Lonsdale Mon 16 Dec 2013, 9:08 am

This year I have had a lot of satisfaction and fun building my 2". So far 4 wheels, the front end and most of the tender have been built, and the new year will see the start of painting.
I also promise to send some pictures.
Thanks to everyone at STW, and all you contributors to the forum who give such good support. It feels like a big family.
Happy Christmas to you all,
Hamish Lonsdale
Hamish Lonsdale

Number of posts : 9
Age : 77
Location : Barwon Heads, Australia
Registration date : 2012-10-30

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