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minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!!

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minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!! Empty minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!!

Post  miller Wed 07 Apr 2010, 6:54 pm

well i didn't actually see it start to go but poor Dean and Steve had to prop it up for at least half an hour Rolling Eyes ....

minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!! Work499005-1

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Craig Wink

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minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!! Empty Re: minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!!

Post  Vapor Thu 08 Apr 2010, 8:04 am

I can see the two poofs but where's the lookout What a Face

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minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!! Empty Re: minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!!

Post  hughb Thu 08 Apr 2010, 8:36 pm

Soory guys but I do not get this .As they just look like I feel at work some times with NO INFO to work on ???

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minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!! Empty Re: minor panic at STW as office wall starts to fall over !!!!

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