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Water Lifter

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Water Lifter Empty Water Lifter

Post  Stu 18 Thu 20 Jul 2023, 2:03 pm

I tried my water lifter recently for the first time, despite having rallied the engine since 2021. It didn't work. (Thankfully there was a nearby tap!)
Having poked through the blocked globe valve and (possibly) blocked lifter, I want to test it.

1. Does a water lifter rely on the condensation of the steam, or is it just a simple venturi?
2. How quickly should it suck water up into the belly tank?

I was testing it using compressed air. It doesn't seem to blow out of the lifter pipe, but it also doesn't seem to suck water up. I do get air blowing out of my filler flap.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Stu 18

Number of posts : 18
Location : Shoreham-by-Sea
Registration date : 2017-11-07

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Water Lifter Empty Re: Water Lifter

Post  Simon C Fri 21 Jul 2023, 10:43 am

[quote="Stu 18"]I tried my water lifter recently for the first time,

1. Does a water lifter rely on the condensation of the steam, or is it just a simple venturi?
2. How quickly should it suck water up into the belly tank?

Hi Stu
1. yes the lifter is a simple venture device and should pickup using air.
2. I have never timed the lifter accurately but it is pretty affective on steam, I would estimate 3-4 gallons a minute at working pressure.

Check that the hose connection is a good seal against the lifter body as any leak will be detrimental to its performance.

I user the rubber washer from a tap hose connector/washing machine hose to help seal that connection.

Simon C
Simon C
Simon C

Number of posts : 305
Location : Derby
Registration date : 2017-07-07

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Water Lifter Empty Re: Water Lifter

Post  LiveSteam Sun 23 Jul 2023, 8:13 pm

Use the lifter on the Agri all the time, wouldnt be without it Cool

Check for air leaks on the intake side as that cant cause it to be ver flakey as Simon mentions.

They are very simple devices.


Number of posts : 787
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2013-09-08

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