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4" DCC Burrell Showmans. Beautiful Example. Award Winning. (NO LONGER AVAILABLE)

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4" DCC Burrell Showmans. Beautiful Example. Award Winning. (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Empty 4" DCC Burrell Showmans. Beautiful Example. Award Winning. (NO LONGER AVAILABLE)

Post  Admin Thu 13 Oct 2022, 1:39 pm

Built 2009 - 2013.
Beautifully presented.
Been rallied for 7 seasons including 3 times at GDSF.
Twice best in show including Abbey Hill.
Road Registered.

Twin working dynamo's, 4 chime whistle, vescanite front wheel bearings (no lube reqd, keep the wheels clean!), twin seat with toolbox, extra brass and copper bits, firing irons, tube brush, some spares, build manual, dust cover. Original 1900's oil lamps converted to run off the dynamo.

Southern Fed tested by the same person since new.
Steam test until 21/04/2023.
Hydraulic test until 01/04/2024.
Boiler treatment been used since day one.
Comes with all its relevant paperwork.
Price includes a small collapsible trailer, ideal for carrying coal, water, tools etc.


International crating up and delivery can be quoted for and arranged if required. A bargain in the U.S. while the £ is weak against the $.

Serious enquiries only to Alternatively telephone 01327 301030 extension 1 and speak with Dean.

4" DCC Burrell Showmans. Beautiful Example. Award Winning. (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Img_2015

4" DCC Burrell Showmans. Beautiful Example. Award Winning. (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Img_2016

4" DCC Burrell Showmans. Beautiful Example. Award Winning. (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Img_2014

4" DCC Burrell Showmans. Beautiful Example. Award Winning. (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Img_2017

4" DCC Burrell Showmans. Beautiful Example. Award Winning. (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Img_2018

Number of posts : 106
Registration date : 2008-06-13

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