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Boxing Haye v Valuev

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Boxing Haye v Valuev Empty Boxing Haye v Valuev

Post  Steam Traction World Sat 07 Nov 2009, 6:26 pm

So who do you fancy to win this one........Answers before it starts please!! Smile

Personally my dosh is on the Valuev, it's not that i'm not patriotic and i'd like to see Haye win but i just think Valuev is good value at about even money for a bloke twice my size! Laughing, who's never been down and is fighting a bloke with a suspect chin. Come to think of it most blokes are twice my size so he must be three times!


Steam Traction World

Number of posts : 946
Location : Daventry UK
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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Boxing Haye v Valuev Empty boxing

Post  greystones Sun 08 Nov 2009, 8:43 am

Now dont be getting delusions of gradure just cause the little guy won. Mike

Number of posts : 65
Location : Pickering North Yorkshire
Registration date : 2008-06-16

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Boxing Haye v Valuev Empty Re: Boxing Haye v Valuev

Post  Vapor Sun 08 Nov 2009, 8:48 am

Well I think Haye will win on points Very Happy

Number of posts : 384
Age : 114
Location : Isle of Wight (2" Burrell & 5" Duchess ex MW)
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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Boxing Haye v Valuev Empty Re: Boxing Haye v Valuev

Post  Steam Traction World Sun 08 Nov 2009, 12:31 pm

Wish you'd have told me that yesterday Ian!!!!!

I think that marks the end of my professional gambling career......time to think of another way to make my millions

I've got it............Might try opening a cafe in Pickering next. Very Happy


Steam Traction World

Number of posts : 946
Location : Daventry UK
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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Boxing Haye v Valuev Empty Re: Boxing Haye v Valuev

Post  Vapor Sun 08 Nov 2009, 12:51 pm

Well I just got an email fro The National Lottery informing me i was a winner in the Euromillions lottery, I had alreadt spotted that the
£90 million had been won by two people in England.
So I thought is it me, well to cut a long story short it wasn't me, bugger I thought all I got was £13.60 not even enough to get merry on, just think I almost got some meat on the table for Sunday, Ah. Sad

Number of posts : 384
Age : 114
Location : Isle of Wight (2" Burrell & 5" Duchess ex MW)
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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