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Engine Removal

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Engine Removal Empty Engine Removal

Post  Paul Stratford Fri 21 Jan 2022, 12:29 pm

Can anyone give me the procedure for removal of the engine in a Series 1 Lykamobile. Where are the bolts located which attach the lower part of the engine module to the chassis?

Paul Stratford

Number of posts : 5
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2021-10-09

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Engine Removal Empty Engine removal

Post  Pacman Sun 30 Jan 2022, 9:43 am

Hi Paul any luck getting engine out it’s held with 3 rubber damper mount’s and tie bar to rear axle.
Regards Paul


Number of posts : 7
Location : Norfolk
Registration date : 2021-08-06

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Engine Removal Empty Re: Engine Removal

Post  Paul Stratford Tue 01 Feb 2022, 2:38 am

I have located the top rubber mounting, also the the tie bar, but are there two other bolls which hold the engine to the chassis?

Paul Stratford

Number of posts : 5
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2021-10-09

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Engine Removal Empty Engine removal

Post  Pacman Tue 01 Feb 2022, 6:23 am

Hi Paul the other two mounts are also rubber if you look on the lower cross member of the chassis they are about 100mm each side of the engine. There’s a piece of angle welded to the engine roughly between the cylinders and the water pumps.
Hope that helps Paul


Number of posts : 7
Location : Norfolk
Registration date : 2021-08-06

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Engine Removal Empty Re: Engine Removal

Post  Paul Stratford Thu 03 Feb 2022, 2:16 pm

Many thanks, I and currently modifying the boiler water level gauges, raising the level using electronics and spark plugs. After which the engine needs to come out for some TLC on the valve gear. So with your advice I will locate those bolts.

Paul Stratford

Number of posts : 5
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2021-10-09

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Engine Removal Empty Re: Engine Removal

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