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oil type for Burrell

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oil type for Burrell Empty oil type for Burrell

Post  slash1953 Mon 13 Sep 2021, 1:16 pm

Is 460 grade ok for the lubricator on my 2",also best oil for bearings etc?


Number of posts : 9
Location : Stevenage
Registration date : 2021-08-21

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oil type for Burrell Empty Re: oil type for Burrell

Post  Will@STW Mon 13 Sep 2021, 3:51 pm

Hi slash1953

You will need to use steam oil for the mechanical lubricator, ordinary bearing oil doesn't do as good a job when mixed up with steam, steam oil is specifically designed for this job role.

Many thanks


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oil type for Burrell Empty Re: oil type for Burrell

Post  slash1953 Mon 13 Sep 2021, 5:11 pm

Will@STW wrote:Hi slash1953

You will need to use steam oil for the mechanical lubricator, ordinary bearing oil doesn't do as good a job when mixed up with steam, steam oil is specifically designed for this job role.

Many thanks

Hi,yes I know that,wanted to know what grade?



Number of posts : 9
Location : Stevenage
Registration date : 2021-08-21

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oil type for Burrell Empty Re: oil type for Burrell

Post  lynnr Mon 13 Sep 2021, 8:26 pm


I used Hallett, but Morrisons also do similar oils in the Bearing Oil 460 and Cylinder oil 680.

For cylinder oil I used Hallett Sco460 Compounding oil but they have a Non compounding equivalent.

HLT/STO022 Straight Cylinder Oil 460NC A lighter grade, non-compounded oil formulated for the lubrication of steam cylinders in applications where the practice is to recover steam condensate. Designed for lower steam pressures and saturated steam conditions.

For bearings I used Hallett LBO220 Straight Bearing Oil 220
Used by engines for providing lubrication to the motions,
bearings and used as a general purpose lubricant on total
loss systems or where compounding is not preferred.


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oil type for Burrell Empty Re: oil type for Burrell

Post  LiveSteam Mon 13 Sep 2021, 9:12 pm

If you dont want to mess about with 2 different oils try Morris Universal Steam oil, good for the lubricator and the bearings, only need to have the one can to worry about.
I've been using it for the past 5yrs on my 4" Agri and cant fault it, engine runs like a sewing machine on it Cool


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oil type for Burrell Empty Re: oil type for Burrell

Post  slash1953 Tue 14 Sep 2021, 9:41 am

LiveSteam wrote:If you dont want to mess about with 2 different oils try Morris Universal Steam oil, good for the lubricator and the bearings, only need to have the one can to worry about.
I've been using it for the past 5yrs on my 4" Agri and cant fault it, engine runs like a sewing machine on it Cool

Thanks bud,cant find it on thier website?


Number of posts : 9
Location : Stevenage
Registration date : 2021-08-21

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oil type for Burrell Empty Re: oil type for Burrell

Post  LiveSteam Tue 14 Sep 2021, 12:40 pm

I get mine from HSS but then they are just round the corner from me.


Number of posts : 788
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2013-09-08

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oil type for Burrell Empty Re: oil type for Burrell

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