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water bypass

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water bypass  Empty water bypass

Post  jjtjr Sat 14 Sep 2019, 10:05 am

I was having a problem with water bypass. This is what I found was the problem. The leaver on the side of the car that controls the water bypass valve will rotate 360* . There are no stops on the valve You only need to turn it 90 * to go into the bypass position, but this can happen. The linkage can loosen and the valve will be in a different position then before so you don't know if your bypassing or not. This is the fix I did to make it a positive stop. I remove the handle from a ball valve ( made it shorter ) that I had and installed it on the valve in the car. Now the leaver only goes 90* because the by pass valve stops the leaver now its easy to see when your in bypass or not.

Number of posts : 232
Age : 76
Location : New Jersey,usa
Registration date : 2009-07-28

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