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Boiler - repair or replace?

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Boiler - repair or replace? Empty Boiler - repair or replace?

Post  CaptainClag Mon 30 Sep 2024, 8:56 pm

Evening All,

I have an early Likamobile (one of the original Modelworks ones) which looks like it has a rather poorly boiler. I was wondering, has anyone (UK Based, as that's where I am!) managed to get their boiler retubed/ rebuilt and if so, who did you use please?

Alternatively, has anyone been able to get a new boiler to the original design built? If so then again, who did you use please?

I'm aware that the series 2 Lyka boiler doesn't fit without major surgery which I'm keen to avoid, so any suggestions would be much appreciated!




Number of posts : 7
Location : Suffolk
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Boiler - repair or replace? Empty boiler

Post  jjtjr Thu 03 Oct 2024, 11:55 am

I have a series 1 also around 2008 still have the same boiler as it came with no leaks. ofeldt boilers were used as a replacement in the old days. It is and easy one to build.using steel main drum and copper heating tubes. Then it is all silver soldiered.

Number of posts : 232
Age : 76
Location : New Jersey,usa
Registration date : 2009-07-28

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Boiler - repair or replace? Empty Re: Boiler - repair or replace?

Post  CaptainClag Fri 04 Oct 2024, 8:00 pm

Thanks Jjtjr, appreciate your thoughts. Unfortunately building such a boiler is one thing - getting it certified without a formal design is another!

I've been given one or two leads re potential repairers, if they come good I'll update this thread with the details in case it helps anybody else. In the meantime if anybody else knows of a suitable boiler maker/ repairer they can recommend it'd be much appreciated.




Number of posts : 7
Location : Suffolk
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Boiler - repair or replace? Empty boiler

Post  jjtjr Sat 05 Oct 2024, 11:37 am

I guess the UK is different then the USA. Here we don't need any certification for a hobby boiler less then 50 square feet. Over the years I've built quite a few most of copper.

Number of posts : 232
Age : 76
Location : New Jersey,usa
Registration date : 2009-07-28

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Boiler - repair or replace? Empty Re: Boiler - repair or replace?

Post  LiveSteam Sat 05 Oct 2024, 8:44 pm

Pretty much need certification on any kind of pressure vessel here in the UK, hobby or otherwise.


Number of posts : 788
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2013-09-08

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Boiler - repair or replace? Empty Re: Boiler - repair or replace?

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