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Water in Firebox

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Water in Firebox Empty Water in Firebox

Post  BenLake11 Mon 09 Sep 2024, 12:41 pm

Hello, in need of some pointers!

I have a Foden 4 1/2” that is steady dripping water directly down into the fire!

Is this a fuseable plug issue as it has been retubed quite recently in over the last year.

I’m an Agricultural mechanic so any pointers to dive into this is greatly appreciated.Water in Firebox D59e1d11


Number of posts : 2
Location : Chester
Registration date : 2024-09-09

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Water in Firebox Empty Re: Water in Firebox

Post  LiveSteam Mon 09 Sep 2024, 8:30 pm

Sounds like either the plugs leaking around the threads or the leads wasted out of it.

If you put the shovel in and it ends up getting wet directly below the plug then thats the issue, I'd start by changing the plug, you should carry a spare anyway, along with things like a gauge glass.


Number of posts : 788
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2013-09-08

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Water in Firebox Empty Re: Water in Firebox

Post  BenLake11 Tue 10 Sep 2024, 4:50 pm

Yes, I do have a spare plug and will have a go at replacing it!

Thanks for the reply.


Number of posts : 2
Location : Chester
Registration date : 2024-09-09

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