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Cylinder Drains

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Cylinder Drains Empty Cylinder Drains

Post  Grier Fri 06 Nov 2020, 7:21 pm

Just a word of warning for any Lykamobile builders that in ISO drawing LK22 sheet 4 of 9 is wrong.
LK1567 and LK1535 as illustrated are not the parts we received. It appears a design change has occurred and that LK1535 should be assemble where LK1567 is shown and vice versus for LK1567 should be assembled where LK1535 is shown. Do not attempt to bend your copper pipes to fit as the drawing indicates it’s assembly. It won’t work out too well for you.

I’m attaching an image. Cylinder Drains 04a31e10


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Location : Topsail Beach, NC
Registration date : 2015-05-15

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