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The final Kit!!!!!!

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The final Kit!!!!!! Empty The final Kit!!!!!!

Post  Will@STW Tue 20 Oct 2020, 4:27 pm

Hi everyone  

Dean asked me to update you all on the progress of the Lykamobile, and I can happily say that the light at the end of the tunnel is only a few short steps away!

Everything that needs machining has now been machined, and apart from the beading on the edge of the bodywork that is there to protect the sides everything has been fitted to the control model. As Dean has said in one of his previous posts, we are planning to get the engine in steam before sending the last kit so that we can ensure that everything is safe, and that you have everything you need to get your engines in steam.

I have written the instructions, and they are with Ian and Dean for proof reading as are the ISO drawings. As I type this the batteries are on charge, and the plan Ian has for tomorrow is to add water, diesel and Brake fluid to the car and bleed the brakes. All being well he will push the car outside and get the burner going and get her in steam (yes videos will be posted).

Provided all goes well we will begin boxing up the parts ready to be dispatched. Either myself or Dean will post another update (giving predicted dispatch times) by the end of the week depending on what happens and how things go.

Many thanks


Number of posts : 196
Age : 27
Location : Daventry
Registration date : 2019-01-29

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The final Kit!!!!!! Empty Re: The final Kit!!!!!!

Post  Grier Thu 22 Oct 2020, 12:51 pm

Did we get steam yesterday?


Number of posts : 68
Location : Topsail Beach, NC
Registration date : 2015-05-15

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The final Kit!!!!!! Empty Re: The final Kit!!!!!!

Post  Will@STW Thu 22 Oct 2020, 2:42 pm

Grier wrote:Did we get steam yesterday?

Hi Grier

Ian is getting it in steam this afternoon (He is doing the final prep for lighting the fire as I type). As I said above there will be a full update by the end of the week.

Many thanks


Number of posts : 196
Age : 27
Location : Daventry
Registration date : 2019-01-29

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The final Kit!!!!!! Empty Re: The final Kit!!!!!!

Post  Grier Fri 23 Oct 2020, 2:15 pm

Will@STW wrote:
Grier wrote:Did we get steam yesterday?

Hi Grier

Ian is getting it in steam this afternoon (He is doing the final prep for lighting the fire as I type). As I said above there will be a full update by the end of the week.

Many thanks


Hi Will,
We are waiting with bated breath!!


Number of posts : 68
Location : Topsail Beach, NC
Registration date : 2015-05-15

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