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Final Kit Lykamobile

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Final Kit Lykamobile Empty Final Kit Lykamobile

Post  Steam Traction World Wed 07 Oct 2020, 9:45 pm

Hi all,

Just thought i'd give you an update on the long overdue final Lykamobile kit.

I was hoping by now to have despatched it, however after placing the order and paying for the pressure gauges around 10 weeks ago with a 2 week lead time we eventually received them last week.

In the background during this period, although it may have felt that way to you guys, we didn't just stop and do nothing but were busy doing some/many of the remaining parts as possible without risking making scrap or parts that may not fit without the mating part. At the point of ordering the pressure gauges we were also waiting delivery of the batch of safety valves. These did come in 5 or so weeks ago.

Just to clarify some parts can not be produced until the missing items arrived. The final few bits are in production currently with some items from the kit being remade or reordered as we were unhappy with the original design/material spec once we fitted it and trialled it. An example of this is one of the brackets (i'm at home and can't remember which one but think its a pump bracket of some description) that had been manufactured as per the drawing in steel however due to the application it was felt due to the water involved it needed to be altered to brass. This has been done and the part is being produced. Another issue on inspection is something as simple as the throttle spring. Although the one we initially purchased did the job it was not up to it, another has been ordered. We are also going through the assembly to check nothing has been forgotten. As this is the last kit it is important we do not forget anything. Doing this takes time but it is a priority.

My best estimate to despatch this kit is a couple of weeks. (if you are abroad like Greg for example and are worrying about Brexit then you will get it well before then)

The main reason for this is NOT that we won't have everything ready by then, there is a high chance we will, however i have decided I WILL NOT send this kit until WE have fully finished it in house, filled it with water, put a fire in it and watched in move in it's own steam. I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for this decision but as this is the last kit and in it is the safety valve and pressure gauge it means customers will then have everything to fire their car. With so many changes from the first batch and much of the design being in Steve's head prior to his passing, I have a care of duty to ensure what has been supplied works fine and is safe especially in the hands of a novice. The best way to do this is to run the control model.

I am sorry if waiting another couple of weeks is not the news you hoped for. The kit is so close to being ready. You have all been exceptionally patient over the last 4 years and for that i thank you. The light is at the end of the tunnel and i just ask for your patience for a little longer one last time.



Steam Traction World

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Final Kit Lykamobile Empty Last kit

Post  Nick100 Thu 08 Oct 2020, 8:31 pm

Thanks Dean -- much appreciate your attention to detail.


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Registration date : 2017-08-12

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Final Kit Lykamobile Empty Re: Final Kit Lykamobile

Post  Goliewogs Fri 09 Oct 2020, 9:51 am

Hi Dean,
Thank you so much! I know the final kit will just be as superb as all the other kits.
Best regards


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Registration date : 2016-03-28

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