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Locomobile Nameplate / Badges

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Locomobile Nameplate / Badges Empty Locomobile Nameplate / Badges

Post  Grier Mon 30 Mar 2020, 10:03 pm

If anyone would like a Locomobile brass nameplate and/or Trade Mark Badge a fellow Locomobile Steam enthusiast is about to make a few lost wax castings. He is doing this not for profit, at the moment the costs per badge is about $160, but this is due to the low number of badges so far that has been committed for manufacturing. The actual per cost is about $20, but the set-up charge is what is driving the price. If anyone would like one go to this link: AACA Forum

Locomobile Nameplate / Badges Locomo10
Locomobile Nameplate / Badges Namepl10


Number of posts : 68
Location : Topsail Beach, NC
Registration date : 2015-05-15

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