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KIT 18 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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KIT 18 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty KIT 18 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post  Will@STW Wed 18 Sep 2019, 4:26 pm

Hi guys

I have good news for you all. Kit 18 of the Lykamobile has started to go out to costumers. Yes it's finally happening (don't worry, it isn't a dream). We have had 9 kits finished and sent out to various customers, and the rest will be coming soon. As we have said before there is a lot of welding to be done on kit 18, and this is what has caused the huge delay. Thankfully this is not a problem for the next kits which will most likely be kit 21 or if they are finished in time it will be kit 24 (the seat). If it is kit 21 then it will have the majority of the pipework, and the regulator etc.

I hope you agree that the kit 18 was worth the wait, but I do apologize for the delay, and we will endeavor to plug the gap on this in the future.



Number of posts : 196
Age : 27
Location : Daventry
Registration date : 2019-01-29

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KIT 18 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Empty Seats

Post  Will@STW Thu 19 Sep 2019, 9:25 am

Hi guys

I have further good news for you all. As we keep on saying, we have been busy working away in the background to get parts of the seat completed. Today we are expecting the first bunch of seat bases to arrive and the wooden back rests to be picked up and taken away to be upholstered. Dean has kindly sent a picture to me to share with you guys of the upholstered seat bases. that light of the end of the tunnel really is getting bright now.



KIT 18 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 611

Number of posts : 196
Age : 27
Location : Daventry
Registration date : 2019-01-29

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