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What sort of bell did the Locomobile have?

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What sort of bell did the Locomobile have? Empty What sort of bell did the Locomobile have?

Post  Stork Sun 27 May 2018, 9:42 pm

Hey guys, I have seen a few videos where a Locomobile or early Stanley drive by and they ring a bell... does anyone have a picture of what one should look like? Maybe the company that made them... or were they generic 'trolley' type striker bells? Lastly could there be a decent sub to place on our Lykamobiles?


Number of posts : 33
Age : 55
Location : Miami, Florida USA
Registration date : 2016-04-22

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What sort of bell did the Locomobile have? Empty Lyka Bell

Post  Goliewogs Tue 29 May 2018, 3:18 pm

Hi, I have no idea what the original Lykamobile used for a bell, if it had one or indeed any sort of warning device apart from a Bulb type Horn!! Nowadays, I have seen many pictures of Lyka's fitted with "Bermuda Bells", sometimes called "Step Bells", or "Sutone Bells", or "Ding Dong Bells" or "Tram Bells"! All of which are foot operated and non of which are manufactured these days. However, if you search Ebay you can sometimes find one, but be warned, they usually fetch high prices at auction! I managed to find an unused bell for my Lyka and it cost me nearly 400 Euros!! Regards


Number of posts : 115
Age : 73
Location : FRANCE - Normandie
Registration date : 2016-03-28

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What sort of bell did the Locomobile have? Empty One on eBay right now

Post  Grier Wed 30 May 2018, 9:05 pm

Stork wrote:Hey guys, I have seen a few videos where a Locomobile or early Stanley drive by and they ring a bell... does anyone have a picture of what one should look like? Maybe the company that made them... or were they generic 'trolley' type striker bells? Lastly could there be a decent sub to place on our Lykamobiles?

There is one on eBay right now for $200 buy it now price plus shipping.
Search this title: "Antique Bevin Bros. Bermuda Carriage Auto Foot Ding Dong Gong Bell"


Number of posts : 68
Location : Topsail Beach, NC
Registration date : 2015-05-15

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