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4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic

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4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic Empty 4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic

Post  Steam Traction World Mon 09 Mar 2009, 4:53 pm

Hi All,

It is our intension to release a batch of Short Wheel Base Foden's and Foden Artics during the summer of 2009.

We were originally hoping to reduce the price compared to the 'C' type, however, after costing the engine this has not been possible mainly due to the extra detail we will be providing in the two new releases. Both the new lorries will have cab windows, cylinder covers, improved front axle and brake arrangement, double rear wheels plus the the extra towing parts and additional water tanks on the short wheel base version. The trailer for those who decide to purchase the artic version will be additional. (A best guess at the minute is 4 kits at approx £500 each). We anticipate that both engines would be able to be interchangable meaning that once you have committed to one type it would be still possible to purchase parts for the other style engine enabling you to present it a rallies as either version.

The models will be available over 26 kits with a deposit of £699 and each kit priced at £550. Total price including VAT and UK delivery is £14999.00. The first ten orders will save £300 on their deposit price, reducing it to £399 and the overall cost to £14699.00


Dean & Steve

4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic Foden_10

Steam Traction World

Number of posts : 946
Location : Daventry UK
Registration date : 2008-06-18

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4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic Empty Re: 4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic

Post  stewart Tue 31 Mar 2009, 9:19 pm

Hi i am very interested in the timber tractor kit and was wondering when the kit is going to start being made? Is there any technical data ready? Thank you Very Happy


Number of posts : 8
Location : cornwall
Registration date : 2008-08-11

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4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic Empty Re: 4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic

Post  hughb Fri 17 Apr 2009, 11:58 pm

Hi yes intrested in ti but need to see at the mo

Number of posts : 575
Age : 54
Location : hertfordshire
Registration date : 2009-03-13

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4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic Empty Re: 4.5" Short Wheel Base Foden & 4.5" Foden Artic

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